نشاط سياسي

Gaza Need Us.. ●• اللهم انصر اخواننا في غزه وارفع عنهم ما هم فيه ياأرحم الراحمين.

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Gaza Need Us.. ●• اللهم انصر اخواننا في غزه وارفع عنهم ما هم فيه ياأرحم الراحمين.
Children of Gaza Need Our Help Now & they need our Prayer اللهم انصر اهلنا فى غزة الصمود ... كن لهم ولاتكن عليهم ... اطعم جائعهم واشفى مريضهم وانتقم من عدونا وعدوهم . وعلى ابناء صهيون ادعوك واقول اللهم زلزل الارض من تحت اقدامهم ... فجر طائراتهم واحرق دباباتهم واغرق غواصاتهم والقى الرعب فى قلوبهم واجعل بأسهم بينهم ... وارنا فيهم يوما اسودا كيوم عاد وثمود . أمين.... أمين .... أمين يارب العالمين

Jerusalem Protest 6

Jerusalem Protest 6
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Jerusalem Protest 5

Jerusalem Protest 5
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Jerusalem Protest 4

Jerusalem Protest 4
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Jerusalem Protest 3

Jerusalem Protest 3
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Jerusalem Protest 2

Jerusalem Protest 2
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Jerusalem Protest 1

Jerusalem Protest 1
Karin Brown
"Yesterday we attended a protest just outside the gates of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with Israeli students lining one side of the street, and Palestinian students lining the opposite side of the street-- all students of the same university. The protest was in response to the Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, now in their fourth day, that have left over 360 Palestinians dead, and many more injured. Israel's blockades of Gaza over the past months, years (restricting or completely stopping import/export) have left the hospitals short of medicine and medical supplies-- so they cannot adequately care for those injured by the bombing."

Israel Raid on Gaza

Israel Raid on Gaza
Carlos Latuff
"As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 200 people, with 750 injured, including women and children. Once again I beg you reader, my brothers and sisters-in-arts, to spread this cartoon. Reproduce them in posters, newspapers, magazines, zines, blogs, everywhere. Let's make the voice of the Gaza people to be heard all around the world. Thank you, in the name of the Palestinians of Gaza."

Hamas Fighter

Hamas Fighter
Carlos Latuff

Gaza Massacre

Gaza Massacre
Carlos Latuff
"As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 200 people, with 750 injured, including women and children. Once again I beg you reader, my brothers and sisters-in-arts, to spread these cartoons. Reproduce them in posters, newspapers, magazines, zines, blogs, everywhere. Let's make the voice of the Gaza people to be heard all around the world. Thank you, in the name of the Palestinians of Gaza."
لَقِّم المحتوى